
Hi! Thanks for stopping by to catch up on our life. Hope you enjoy reading my tidbits as much as I enjoy sharing them...and for the rough days, thanks for listening!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Catching Up a Bit and Prayers for 2014

Hi. No, I didn't fall off the face of the earth. I was doing so good at posting things regularly and then something happened. Life. LOL. I love blogging as an outlet. But it is always so crazy and busy and non-stop in the late-Spring to late-Summer time frame that by the time we get the kids to bed (of course it doesn't get dark until so late anyway), I am all out of ideas for writing. Things happen so quickly and time just slips away...next thing I know, it's mid-September and it's about time to start the 'Holiday Season'. I know that it is a busy time for everyone so I do my best to stay in touch with everyone and answer those that send me messages, emails, texts or whatnot.  

And now it is January.  January! 

Christmas is, hands-down, my favorite time of year. I love everything about it. I love the celebration, the giving, the magic, the lights and decorations, the music and the wonder on the faces of children. Especially my children. In a way, social media has kind of put a damper on it, though. Between those wallowing in their own pity and the Santa-haters, I worry that my 'Elf on the Shelf ' post will be met with criticism or contempt and, quite frankly,  I think that there is no reason that I should have to defend our way of doing things. Not to mention the fact that the Facebook comments of others do nothing but add additional stress and frustration to what is, truthfully, the BEST season of the year.  Our 6 year old said it best a few weeks ago. She and her brother were having a discussion in the car about the meaning of Christmas, how we celebrate and Baby Jesus.  When he asked her why various Nativity Scenes were slightly different and why some children don't have their own Elf, she calmly explained "Because there is no wrong way to love Jesus"...and she was so right. Whether you decide to indulge in the fictional magic of Santa Claus (the fat, jolly old elf that slides down the chimney) or keep your discussions of Pierre Noel strictly to historical accounts of the Bishop that left gifts of coins, food and/or clothing with families in secret, the fact is that it is a season to celebrate the most selfless gift in history.    

We are beyond thrilled to have our family complete for this Holiday Season. The little blessings, like Christmas shopping for our children together (no more emailing Amazon links back and forth), has been wonderful.  Santa even brought a puppy this year...a MAJOR event that would definitely not have been possible in single-parent-mode. Big blessings, like hosting Thanksgiving Supper, Cookies for Santa (our annual cookie decorating party), Christmas Supper AND a Family Friendly New Year's Eve Party have been fantastic.  

But here we are, a week into the first month of 2014 and in addition to being totally spent in entertaining, I'm thinking of the things that I would like to be even better. As I ponder the things that cause me worry, stress and anxiety, it occurs to me that I can't change any of those things. I can't force people to be more respectful...to answer text, phone, email, Facebook or voicemail messages. I can't predict where our life or our job will be in the next 6 months or year. I can't move my family closer. I can't magically get the dog potty trained (LOL). 

What I can do is become a better version of me. I can learn to let go of the investment in folks that are only friendly when it is convenient for them yet choose to ignore me when it doesn't suit their needs. I may even learn to just sever the virtual friendship that does nothing but serve as a source of insult and frustration. I can learn to be happy with what we have here and now and what is going on here and now. Next month will get here soon enough and whatever it brings will be a blessing...even if I have to really work to find the silver lining in the storm. I can learn to merely dislike night shift instead of despising it (it is so much harder to call Grammy whenever I want when she sleeps all day)! But now I can easily call her when I can't sleep at 2 am.  Instead of wasting time, energy and hurt feelings on these things, I will continue to be myself and those folks for whom that isn't enough (or maybe it's too much) can either get over it or learn to love me for me.

By now you are probably wondering what I am going to do with all of that extra energy that I'm not going to spend being frustrated, insulted, stressed and worried? Well I'm glad you asked...

In 2014 I am going to...

...cook with my kids, with the radio turned up so loud that we can't hear the door when Daddy gets home.

...spend time enjoying the new friends and sisters through my Thirty-One business. That's right, my business! I love it, I love the wonderful people that I've met and if you don't want to hear me talk about it, then I don't want to hear you talk about the things that bring out the passion in your life.

...blow bubbles in the cold with my Bugs. It is so neat to see them freeze!

...no longer feel bad for being happy about my hubby finally having a job that keeps him home more...we did our time and earned this bit of reprieve...and I will enjoy it!

...be happy we didn't put in new floors before getting a puppy instead of being frustrated by the accidents (thankfully she's getting the potty training thing pretty quickly, so this one should be fairly easy).

...go on more picnics. The kids love 'em and that's all the motivation I need to pack it up and go eat lunch in the grass.

...let my daughter "do" her own hair (but probably only on days that we don't have to go anywhere).

...build in more "Mother-Daughter" time with my sweet Ladybug...she is growing up TOO FAST.

...spend more of my one-on-one time with precious Bumblebee doing things HE wants to do.

...'date' my husband. <3

And I am sure there are about a hundred other things that I will think of as soon as I click 'publish' but the fact is that I am going to spend more time on little things and less time/energy on those sucking the fun out of life.

I feel better already.

My prayer for you is that whatever you do in 2014, you are happy and fulfilled!


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