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Saturday, February 09, 2013

Happy Saturday...

It occurred to me this morning that our days of lazy Saturday mornings will eventually be coming to an end.  At some point between pregnancy number one and child number one starting Pre-K (and now Kindergarten), our definition of ‘sleeping in’ have already drastically changed. Sleeping in use to refer to sleeping until 9am (or later…we have two great sleepers that routinely slept past the 9 o’clock mark).  But with schedules and alarms, our bodies now naturally wake a mere thirty minutes…on a lucky day, a full hour…past when that dreadful alarm would sound anyway. That is ‘sleeping in’. And that is fine. Turns out we can fit a lot more into one day if we finish breakfast before noon.

Now it is the ‘lazy Saturday’ that we covet. You know, staying in jammies until the second cup of coffee is drained. But when a friend posted something this morning about how rough 8am Saturday commitments are, I realized that we aren’t that far away from that ourselves. 

Both of our kids are already involved in extracurricular activities…one at a time is our rule for now. We see no need to exhaust them by having their time scheduled to the minute 5 or 6 days a week (they are only 5 and 2, respectively). But, still, they have already become involved. For now those things all fall on weekdays…but the time is fast approaching when little league,  pop warner or city league sports will take over and practice will be two evenings per week followed by games on Saturdays. Games that will require us to get dressed first thing on Saturday instead of lounging in jammies for a few hours.  Games that will…dare I say it…force us to set an alarm on Saturday. Oh, it is painful to even think about.  But, I wonder, will there magically be more hours in the day again? ;)

For now, we will enjoy our lazy Saturday mornings…followed, most weekends, by some sort of family outing or errand…

…and with that, we are off to try on shoes and enjoy our day together…

…Happy Saturday…


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