
Hi! Thanks for stopping by to catch up on our life. Hope you enjoy reading my tidbits as much as I enjoy sharing them...and for the rough days, thanks for listening!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Why can't people be respectful?!

I feel like we are getting so embedded in our own opinions and points-of-view that we are becoming incapable of being able to discuss even the simplest of decisions without concern for the fall-out of those that disagree.  I blame some of this on social media like Facebook, blogs (I know, I see the irony too)  and Twitter.  If it weren't for these venues, some of us would never even discuss the topics that have become so in-your-face.  I, for one, always think twice about posting anything too personal about our family simply because I get tired of the naysayers that make me feel like I constantly need to defend my decisions.  

The fact is, we all make decisions for our families...we do what we think is best at the time and if that doesn't work, we try something new the next time and so on.  I love the ability to reach out to my circle of friends and family for advice and tips...especially in those moments when I feel like I have tried everything. But none of that opens the door for any of us to tell anyone else why their way is better.  Things like breastfeeding/formula, homeschool/public, vaccines/vaccine-free, spanking/non-spanking, cry-it-out/soothing, co-sleeping/independent bedrooms and so many more...all in addition to the old standbys like politics, religion and finances...are such hot-button subjects that mentioning them can land you in an instantly defensive position. 

We live in a society of free-thinkers. Regardless of your point-of-view, we are designed to be that way and are lucky enough to live in a country where we can freely express our differing opinions and also have the freedom to live our lives and raise our children as we see fit.  As long as you operate within the confines of the law, do the best that you can and raise your children with love, nobody can fault your decisions.  

That being said, there are a few ground rules that I would like for you to keep in mind. This is my blog and will be filled with my own opinions, rants and anecdotes. If you don't have something nice to say, don't post or comment and do not (under any circumstance) play the 'my life/situation is worse than yours' card...even if it is! I don't want this turning into a place full of bickering and snarky attitudes.  I have no problem if you have a differing opinion...by all means, share it...there have been plenty of times that I have heard an opposing opinion that has made me think twice.  Will it change my opinion? Probably not. But I like hearing your reasoning as long as you can share it respectfully and without judgement of my choices. I am a middle-of-the-road sort of person. I am not particularly extreme about any of my beliefs or opinions...except when it comes to my love of my family.  My children and my husband light up my life and my love and support for them is unmatched by anything else in my life.  I don't take well at all to them being judged or picked on...I know that my sweet little lady and my adorable little man will have to deal with adversary but the mother in me would love nothing better than to protect them from all the mean and nasty people in this world.

I hope you enjoy my rantings and stories as much as I enjoy sharing them. And, for the rough days, thank you for listening and allowing me to vent...


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